Balcony Flooring DIY-Gone-Awry

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Balcony Flooring Issue 1a- Outdoor Flooring Toronto

Balcony Flooring DIY-Gone-Awry

Balcony Flooring DIY can go Wrong for Many Reasons:

Outdoor flooring DIY is not always simple.  First, the deck tiles will likely need cutting to fit to the condo balcony’s length and width.  Second, there is usually some sort of obstruction on the outdoor floor that also requires cutting tiles.  Third, to minimize cuts and avoid making smaller pieces of tiles (that can be carried away in high winds), much planning must be done to figure out exactly where the first tile should be placed.


Other problems can occur with inferior quality turf tiles, as seen in photos below:

  1. Artificial turf tiles have unsightly seams between them
  2. Inferior quality WPC composite deck tiles are stained from rainwater
  3. Trip hazard is created because of turf height being lower than the outdoor flooring tiles

Balcony Flooring Issue 1a- Outdoor Flooring Toronto

To get around the first issue (seams), use a roll of artificial turf and install on top of plastic drainage cells (image below).  Simply cut the turf to size and staple it into the plastic bases to secure it.

The second issue (water staining) is completely avoided by installing a higher quality composite (WPC) deck tile.  More specifically, one with a hardshell “cap” layer (that’s baked into the composite tile slats during manufacturing).  NewTechWood is just one manufacturer that makes them, so we opted for their “QuickDeck” wood-plastic composite products.

To learn more about balcony flooring DIY with composite deck tiles, check out this blog post of ours.

DIY Gone Awry [“Aww-Rye”] Gallery

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